Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Reaching for the Topmost Branches--The Rödigers

 The release of Tann church book records from 1664-1710 has made it possible to extend our knowledge of our Rödiger heritage just a bit further into the past. To make these charts legible, I am limiting them to just three generations. I will start with Johann Tobias Rödiger. He was the father of: 1) Anna Katharina who married Friedrich Eichenauer, parents of five Eichenauers who emigrated to Ohio
2) Justus, father of John Henry Roediger (1874-1952) who emigrated to Ohio
3) George, who emigrated to Ohio with 4 children in 1888
4) Conrad Tobias, who emigrated to Ohio in 1881 at age 15.

As you can see from this chart, I have included the relationship of each ancestor to me, myself and I, to provide perspective. Their relationship to each of my readers may be different, but I will leave that for you to determine. Also, from this chart, it is apparent that I have not fully researched the Schneider side. I shall endeavor to do so in the not so distant future.

However, on the Rödiger side, I have the birth, marriage and death records for Johann Tobias, his parents and his paternal grandparents, great-grandparents and great-great grandparents.
Below is a continuation of this chart, beginning with Johann Tobias Rödiger's grandfather, Johann Adam Rödiger.

As you can see, the birth, marriage and death records for Johann Tobias' great-grandparents is complete, but those for his great-great-grandparents are sketchy.

This is due to the fact that the Tann Church book that has just been released begins in 1664. I have just emailed the Archive in Kassel to see if there is an earlier church book waiting to be digitized, but for now this is as far back as the records in Tann are available to me online.
I have Jost Rödiger's death record (due to the contour of the page I have had to capture part of the record above and below that of Jost):
"1 Aug [1710] Jost Rödiger, 53 Jahr alt"
(53 years old)
That isn't much to go on, but from his age at his death, I know that he was born about 1657, seven years before this church book's records.

I also found his marriage record in this book, which has provided the name of the mother of his children (THIS IS NEW INFO):
"den 23ten Januars [1679] ist Jost Rüdiger mit Anna Margaretha Schlein Coppulirt worde"
(on the 23rd of January [1679] Jost Rödiger was joined in marriage with Anna Margaretha Schlein)
Sadly, the names of their parents are not revealed, and when I attempted to find a death record for Anna Margaretha Rödiger, neé Schlein, I came up empty. Some of these records are difficult to read, so, I may have overlooked it. And I have been unable to find her birth record because it no doubt predates the earliest available church book, or she may have been born in a different village. So, this is as complete as the "tip-top" of Rödiger side of our tree can be for now. And as for Johann Adam's maternal side (the Wiegands), I have had much the same issue. The Wiegands were from the neighboring village of Rohrbach. And the earliest church book I can find for Rohrbach begins in 1701, so is even less helpful.

However, with the church book I do have from Tann, I have discovered that our earliest known Rödiger ancestors had four children: Our common ancestor, Johann Valentin, was the youngest. It appears that Nicolaus and Anna Margaretha may have died from some epidemic as they were both in their twenties and their death dates are less than two weeks apart. It appears that neither married. Valten's oldest sister, Eva married Johann Adam Webber. They had two daughters. So here is the chart, showing Jost Rödiger and Anna Margaretha Schlein's children and grandchildren:
There is an eight year gap between Valten and his next older sibling. I would not rule out the possibility of another child born in that gap, but I have checked pretty thoroughly for that possibility, and can not find such a record. However, this church book seems to be a bit disjointed and out of order, so I may have missed something.

One other thing struck me about this chart. Only one of Jost Rödiger's sons lived to carry on the Rödiger name, ie. Valten Rödiger. And only one of Valten's sons lived to carry on the Rödiger name, ie. Johann Adam Rödiger.
And Johann Adam Rödiger only had one son who lived to carry on the Rödiger name, and that, in spite of the fact that he was married twice and had five children, as you can see in the next chart.

It is a wonder that the Rödiger name even survived into the 1700s, at least through the Jost Rödiger clan.
I have found other Rödigers in this early church book, who may be brothers and sisters (or cousins) of Jost Rödiger. And there are records of those Rödigers marrying and having children. But unless an earlier church book is forthcoming, there will be no way to discover how they are really related.
What I do know is that those other Rödiger branches either died out or moved away from Tann. By the 1800s, only Jost's line continues to appear in the Tann church records.

Your Rödiger-Eichenauer Blogmeister,
Stephen Roediger

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Reaching for the Topmost Branches--The Eichenauers

First, let me point out that my starting pointer this post is Johann George Eichenauer, the grandfather of Anna Margaretha  and Friedrich Eichenauer who figure so prominently in our family tree. Anna Margaretha married Johann Tobias Rödiger, whose sons, George and Conrad, and a grandson, Johann Heinrich (John Henry) emigrated and settled in Ohio. Her brother, Friedrich Eichenauer married Anna Katharina Rödiger, and five of their children, Tobias, Conrad, Adam, Gus and Lizzie Eichenauer also emigrated and settled in Ohio. So, hopefully, armed with this information, you can place your relationship with the "person of interest", Johann George Eichenauer.

Johann George Eichenauer is my 5G grandfather. Up until a few months ago, I only knew the name of his father (Georg) and the name of his wife (Anna Katharina Schäfer) and the names of three of their five children. I thought I knew where and when he had been born, but was mistaken on both counts. In actuality, both he and his wife, Anna Katharina Schäfer were born in Angersbach (see Addendum)

What I have learned since then has taken me one generation further up the Eichenauer tree. I now know that Johann George Eichenauer's father, Georg was married twice. First in 1717 to Anna Margaretha Rencker (I think this is the correct spelling). They had three sons, Caspar Georg, Conrad Georg and Johann Caspar. The first two were twins. In 1724, Georg's first wife died and he married Regina Kiesner on 3 October 1724 in Angersbach. To this couple were born four boys and one girl. Our common ancestor, Johann George was the youngest. His three older brothers all died before the age of 3. Of his sister, Anna Gertraud, I have yet to discover how long she lived and whether she married.
Georg Eichenauer, who is at this point the tip top of the Eichenauer tree, has been difficult to figure out. The church book that would have his death record had writing near the binding and when it was digitized some of the information was hidden in the shadow. I have found a record that could possibly be his death record, but here is what I have had to deal with:
Catalogus Defunctorum, Anno Christi 1750
The year is 1750. The death takes place on the 2nd of January. Just below the date is the name of the deceased. The first name ends with "org" which is probably "Georg" and the last name is definitely "Eichenauer". The age of the deceased is also partially obscured so that all that I can read on the last line  is a "0" or "6" followed by "Jahr und 8 Monath" (year and 8 months). So there is not enough of the years of age visible to know how old he was. But, I deduce from this record that "?org Eichenauer" was an adult, since no parents names are included.
Without knowing his age, I would have to guesstimate his birth year based on the date of his first marriage. That was in 1717. Since men rarely married before age 20 (and often not until age 30) I would guesstimate that he was born between 1677 and 1697. When I looked for baptismal records in  that timeframe I found three Johann George Eichenauers born in Angersbach who fit the bill. But at this point I have no way of knowing if any one of them is the correct one. So the climb to the top stops with Georg for now. Perhaps, if I have opportunity to talk with someone at the Archive with access to the actual books, they could read the name and age of the deceased person in the record above. Then I could decide if it could pertain to our Georg Eichenauer, or whether the facts contained there rule him out.
I had more success with Georg's wife (Johann George's mother), Regina Kiesner. I found her death record:

This is from the year 1758, the 7th of October. Can you see "Regina Eichenauer"? Yes, part of the "R" is in the shadow, but I am certain this is Georg's wife. Regina is an unusual name in this area and I have not found another Regina in all my searching in this church book. Her age is on the third and fourth lines "alters 64 Jahr [smudge smudge] Woche" (64 years ?? weeks). This would put her date of birth about 1684. From her marriage record, I also learned that she was born in Vaitshain, about 13 miles south of Angersbach. Sadly the records for Vaitshain have not been digitized, so I am stuck again. I will revisit if and when the records become available.
This then, is as far up the Eichenauer tree as I can climb for now:
Not that it means much to the main Eichenauer research, but in baptismal records, baptismal sponsors are named. And from the baptism of Georg and Regina's son, Johann Henrich, I learned that his baptismal sponsor was Regina's brother, Johann Henrich Kiesner. If the Vaitshain records become available, this information may become useful in learning the names of Regina's parents--my 7G grandparents

When I was researching past posts to see just how far up the Eichenauer tree I had taken you in the past, I discovered something that seems appropriate to address since it pertains to Johann George Eichenauer and his descendants.

25 January 2018 I posted a blog called "The Eichenauer Geography (pt. 1)" which turned out to have some incomplete as well as some inaccurate information. Now that records from Angersbach and Grebenau are available online, I am able to set the record straight. However, you may want to refer back to that blog in case you want to see the maps of the places being talked about here.

In that 2018 post, I asserted that Johann George Eichenauer (who moved to Hof Trunsbach to become it's manager in 1794) was born in Grebenau. That turned out to be untrue. He was born in Angersbach about 7 December 1737 (this is his baptismal date--his birthdate was not given).

On 11 October 1763 he married Anna Katharina Schäfer, who was also a native of Angersbach. Together, they had five children--all boys. The first four, including our common ancestor, Johann Heinrich, were born in Angersbach between 1764 and 1770. Sometime between 1770 and 1772, this portion of the Eichenauer clan moved to the village of Grebenau where their fifth son was born in 1773.
Of the five sons, two died in childhood. The three who survived into adulthood were:
1) Johann Henrich Eichenauer (our common ancestor)
b. 1 September 1764, Angersbach
d. 26 November 1813, Niederthalhausen
m. 10 January 1794, Niederthalhausen to Anna Christina Mürer (The Mürer the Merrier)

2) Johann Konrad Eichenauer
b. ca. 1 June 1768, Angersbach
d. 27. September 1845, Angersbach
m. 13 June 1803, Angersbach to Anna Margaretha Völler

3) Johannes Eichenauer
b. 3 June 1773, Grebenau
d. 2 February 1836, Hof Trunsbach bei Niederthalhausen
m. Barbara Elisabeth Sunkel

While, Johann Heinrich and Johannes accompanied their parents to Hof Trunsbach and subsequently married and settled down either at the Hof or in the nearby village of Niederthalhausen, Johann Konrad elected to return to his hometown of Angersbach, married Anna Margaretha Völler and settled down. At this point, I know that they had at least six children born between 1804 and 1813. On both his and his wife's death record, Johann Konrad's vocation is listed as "Schreiner" (joiner, woodworker).

The management of the Hof eventually fell to Johann George's son, Johannes, whose wife, Barbara Elisabeth Sunkel had 9 children. Seven of these were girls, four of which did not survive childhood. Their oldest son, Nicolaus inherited the management of Hof Trunsbach, and their second son, Heinrich, his wife and children emigrated to Lancaster Township, Butler County, Pennsylvania in 1847. Together. Heinrich Eichenauer and Eva Catharina Schneider had 14 children, the last three born after immigrating. So now you know that we have 5th and 6th cousins living in the area just north of Pittsburgh.

Your Rödiger-Eichenauer Genealogy Pointman,
Stephen Roediger