Due to the fact that this Blog window is so narrow and this tree is 8 generations long, I am turning the chart 90º so that hopefully it will appear large enough for the Blog follower to read. However, doing this also turns the text on it's side, which would give me a crick in my neck. And of course you must scroll to the bottom and then your way towards the top.
So, the bottom line is that Nicholas Scheuch married his 2nd cousin. This is true because his wife's mother and Nikolaus shared the same great grandparents, Johann Michael Scheuch and Anna Catharina (birth surname unknown).
If you would like to look at the "normal" view, I have placed a PDF version in Dropbox called Anna Martha Scheuch Ancestors Normal Chart.pdf. This will open up a new browser window linked to my newly created Blogger folder. At the time of writing there is just one file, but there will certainly be others added so on the right side of the file with the name shown in the link above you will see a column with the "..." symbol. If you click this, you can choose "download file" from the dropdown menu that appears. That should put this particular file wherever you typically download files. It may open up automatically, or you may have to navigate to the file to open it manually.The nice thing about PDF files is that most computers, whether Apple or "the other guys" are equipped to open the file with a native PDF Viewer, and the view can be magnified so that what appears to be teeny-weeny text can be read easily without pixilating. The downside is that Blogger won't allow me to insert a PDF file into my Blog, so this is my work around for those of you with a keen interest in this stuff.
Stephen Roediger
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