To understand my starting point, find George Roediger (1854-1934), son of Johann Tobias Rödiger and Anna Margaretha Eichenauer in your family tree.
George was married twice. I have blogged previously about the multiple tragedies that struck his first family. Suffice it to say here that of the nine children born to George Roediger and his first wife, Anna Martha Scheuch, all except two died in childhood. Their first child, Heinrich Nikolaus never married and was struck and killed by a train at age 32. The only surviving child of that marriage, Anna Margaretha Agnesa married William Wesley Aufderhaar and had 9 children. So, Anna Martha Scheuch's only surviving descendants descend from this Roediger-Aufderhaar union.
So this blog post is of especial interest to the William Wesley Aufderhaar descendants. But, as is often the case, due to the tangled web of relationships, George Roediger's wife, Anna Martha Scheuch was his second cousin twice removed and so is also my fourth cousin once removed. "What a tangled web we weave, when our ancestors we retrieve". Yes, I just made that one up. I know--pretty lame, but true.
Here is how Anna Martha Scheuch is related to all us non Aufderhaar-Roedigers (I know the type is very small and I had to leave off Anna Dorothea Rödiger's parents, Johann Adam Rödiger and Barbara Elisabeth Bettenhausen, but hopefully the description below the chart will help you):
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Anna Dorothea Rödiger is the sister of Johann Heinrich Rödiger (my GGG grandfather) who married Anna Sidonia Schneider (my GGG grandmother). Their son, Johann Tobias Rödiger became the progenitor of all of the Roedigers and Eichenauers who came to western Ohio in the second half of the 1800s. All of those named in this paragraph were born, married and died in Tann, Hersfeld-Rotenburg, Hesse.
Now that I have established our common interest in Anna Martha Scheuch, I will now endeavor to show how certain immigrants to Luzerne Co, PA are related to her, and thus to the Aufderhaar Roedigers.
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FOLLOW THE STARS, Then note the 1st and 2nd generation of Schaubs in Luzerne Co, PA in the red box |
I have already stated that her parents were Nicolaus Scheuch and Anna Christina Schade. But, I climbed up the Scheuch side of that tree to establish a link with Johann Adam Rödiger. Now I need to climb up the Schade side of the tree, but not too far. Anna Christina Schade's parents are Justus Schade (d. 1873) and Anna Martha Scheuch (d. 1873). (I am sure that there is another double relationship between this Anna Martha Scheuch and her son-in-law, Nicolaus Scheuch, but I haven't pursued that line of enquiry yet*). Justus Schade and Anna Martha Scheuch had at least one other child besides Anna Christina. Her name was Catharina Elisabeth Schade (1828-1860, Tann). Catharina Elisabeth Schade married Heinrich Schaub in Tann. Their first son, Justus Schaub, was born in Tann in 1851 and arrived in the USA in 1867 He is the first cousin of Anna Martha Scheuch about whom this blog post revolves . He migrated to Luzerne Co, PA where he married twice. First to Barbara Elisabeth Manns. They had one daughter, Alice K. Schaub who was born and died in Hazleton, Luzerne Co, PA (1883-1918) and never married.
In 1889, Justus Schaub married, second, Mary Elisabeth Schmidt. She was a native of Luzerne Co, but her mother, Elisabeth Bube had been born in Tann and emigrated to the USA with her first husband Gottfried Brandau and their three children in 1857. Dare I muddy the waters further by stating that Elisabeth Bube was also the first cousin once removed of Jacob Lotz, who has a place in a previous post. He it was who married Johann Katharina Elisabeth Rödiger (sister of George and Johann Tobias Rödiger), in Bochum.
Anyway, back to Justus Schaub and Mary Elisabeth Schmidt. They had 6 children: Gertrude, who married Walter Dugan in 1915; Vera, who never married; Henry Martin, who married Pauline Hess; Danzer Justus, who died in Berkley, CA in 1951; Justus C, Jr, and William S.
So, bottom line is that the Schaubs of Luzerne Co, PA are definite cousins of the Aufderhaar-Roediger clan of Auglaize Co, OH.
Justus Schaub's mother-in-law, Elisabeth Bube, had a brother, Johann George Bube, who arrived from Germany in 1867 with his wife and four sons (who were all born in Tann) and also settled in Hazleton, Luzerne Co, PA. They have no direct relationship to our family, but I am throwing in this additional information at no extra charge. Two of the sons, Simon and Karl Heinrich, presumably lived their entire lives in Hazleton. Adam Heirich married and moved to the vicinity of Weatherly, Carbon Co, just 9 miles distant. The fourth son, George Heinrich Bube moved to Alabama, married Anna Maria Kullmann in Pullman Co, AL in 1881 and they lived the rest of their lives in or near Birmingham, Alabama. They had at least 6 children, Annie G, Magdalena, Jacob, Martha A, Julia and George Henry Jr.
As always, if you are an subscriber, you can access my tree "The Rödiger Family Tree"--see link on my Blog Home Page or follow this link directly to Anna Martha Scheuch's profile page.
*Since writing this Blog Post, I have determined the relationships mentioned above. You can read about that in my next Post LINK
Stephen Roediger
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