Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Gibb's Rule 39 Revisited

I was looking over this post and realized that I had made a transcription error which led to a translation error. It is the occupation of Nikolaus Rödiger. And the difference between the occupation of Burgmann and that of Bergmann is quite significant. I have now determined unequivocally that Nikolaus was the latter. So, instead of being a guardian of a castle, he was actually a coal miner. My cousin, Jürgen, recently wrote in regard to why family from Tann would show up living over 200 km from their hometown, in Bochum, Westphalia. This is a rough translation from the German:

"At that time, around 1840 to 1870, many people moved from the Hersfeld region to Westphalia, they all worked in coal mining. Many died, the social conditions were catastrophic."

On April 25, 26, 27 I shall be in Kassel, going through church records at the Landeskirchliches Archiv. I have a long list of records to copy. I have found a place to stay within 4 blocks of the Archiv, so will not need to take the bus from another part of town. I will try to let you know how it is going, if the wi-fi at the apartment is decent.

This promises to be very exciting, and I can hardly wait!!

Saturday, April 1, 2017

Quick Update

In preparation for my trip to Kassel, I have been studying the records that I have thus far accumulated from the Landeskirchliches Archiv--Kassel and have made a few corrections or found additional information that reflects on the info which I have given to the Fab Four--You know who you are.

Be sure to update your files with this info:

√ Correction: Johann Tobias Rödiger was born on 9 Sept 1797, not the 7th as was previously thought. This comes from both his baptismal record and his death record in the Tann Church Book.

√Correction: Anna Margaretha (Eichenauer) Rödiger, second wife of the above JT Rödiger was born in Niederthalhausen, Hersfeld-Roenburg, Hesse. It may be that I told you that she was born in Tann. Not for sure whether I did or not. Her Baptismal Record is recorded in the Niederthalhausen Church Book and her death record in the Tann Church Book says she was born there.

√Addition: Catharina Rödiger, daughter of George Rödiger and Anna Martha Scheuch, who was born 4 April 1883 in Tann and died 14 April 1883 in Tann, was buried on 16 April 1883, presumably also in Tann. This additional information comes from her death record in the Tann Church Book on the same page as Anna Eva (Heÿer) Rödiger's death record.

√Addition: Johann Tobias Rödiger's first wife was Anna Eva Heÿer. Her mother was Anna Katharina Lehn. I am absolutely sure of her first and middle name and her maiden name does appear to be "Lehn", but I have put a question mark after it in my records because I am not familiar with that last name and my proficiency in Fraktur handwriting recognition is still somewhat limited. Not to mention the fact that the scribe of this document is particularly sloppy. Just so you know--there could be a revision on her maiden name in the future.

√Addition: One of Justus Rödiger's daughters was Margaretha, b. 3 Mar 1879, in Tann. I now know who she married and when. Anna Margaretha Rödiger was married to Balthazar Zuschlag in Rohrbach, Hersfeld-Rotenburg, Hesse on 8 July 1905. Balthazar was born in Tann on 17 June, 1865 to Peter Zuschlag and Anna Maria--I'll take a stab at her maiden name but please don't hold me to it--Garmeros? May not be right, but it is a place to start. This record comes from Sheet 6, Nr. 6 of:

Collection: Personenstandsregister Heiratsregister
Description: Year Range : 1905
Source Information:
Ancestry.com. Hesse, Germany, Marriages, 1849-1930 [database on-line]. Lehi, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations, Inc., 2016.
Original data: Eheregister und Namensverzeichnisse. Hessisches Hauptstaatsarchiv, Wiesbaden, Deutschland.